An holistic fasting retreat to rejuvenate and realign your life.
Fresh beginnings – Fast & Detox Retreat – Juli 2022
This juice fast & detox retreat is an invitation to deeply cleanse yourself and start fresh into a healthier, more alive and aligned life. It is designed to detoxify, to improve your immune system and to support the natural healing of your body. It is an energizing and rejuvenating process which can also reduce and even remove inflammatory processes. All together it is a beautiful and profound process of self-healing and an amazing opportunity to reset your life on many levels.
This retreat will work on all levels. We will interweave a powerful cleansing and rejuvenation process with emotional work and awareness practices. Supporting you in identifying and releasing old emotional and mental patterns as well as unhealthy habits which do not serve you any longer. Creating space to invite your life energies to flow freely through your whole system, feeling vital and alive.
Six full days of cleansing your body, mind and soul. Enjoy a week of exploration through a deep connection with your body.
Stay curious, be open and courageous, and start a new chapter in your life. If not now, then when?
Reconnect with your body and lifes vitality!
Are you ready to start a healing vacation, that will allow you to lose these extra pounds and regain your vitality, as well as coming more into your aliveness and feel rejuvenated?
In a loving and supportive space, we will invite you to take a deep look at your life, your habits and patterns. To find out what works and what doesn’t. Letting go of what you no longer need and creating space for something new. New possibilities, new visions, new and healthier habits and a new direction for your life.
These days are just the perfect chance of doing exactly that. A wonderful opportunity to embark on a journey to release, relax, de-stress, nourish your body and mind, and increase your energy as well as your well-being.
The physical aspects of this week will include an enzyme colon cleanse, a 6 day juice fast, detox practices, yoga and movement classes and a liver cleanse/wrap.
We will do practices and exercises to let go of stored emotions, giving you an introduction into mindfulness practices, and structures that help you to create new visions for your life and finding ways to implement them in a lasting way.
These days will support you in creating new, long term based, healthy eating habits, losing weight, strengthening your immune-system and increase your general physical and emotional well-being.
You will nourish your body with superfood enriched organic juices, learn some beneficial skills and receive practical knowledge that will allow you to integrate new and healthy habits into your daily life.
Enjoy various meditations, supportive breathing exercises, expand your body, mind in soul in our movement sessions, and just relax while walking around in beautiful mother nature.
Why do we fast and detox?
The human body is a self-healing, self-renewing, self-cleansing organism. When the right conditions are created, health and vibrant well-being is a natural outcome. The toxicity of our planet is undeniable, the air we breathe, the water we drink and shower with, the foods we eat, the cosmetics we use and the buildings we live and work in, are loaded with toxic chemicals that alone or in combination cause disease, suffering and even death. When we remove these toxins, and add what is lacking, our bodies (with time, depending on what state they were in) bounce back into health as if by magic. This is natural medicine, enabling the body to heal, regenerate and even rejuvenate itself.
Approximately eight hours after eating, our last meal the processes of digestion, absorption, and assimilation are completed and the body enters into detoxification mode. A healthy body needs around four hours to cleanse and detoxify itself from all the waste products of normal metabolism.
Everything after that, the body will go in “self-healing mode”, using the available energy and time to eliminate what it doesn’t need and create what it needs.
So, Why Should I Detox?
Our body is constantly working to dispel toxins and unwanted matter from its various systems. Over time, the body impacted/ toxified from unhealthy food choices, alcohol, caffeine, drugs, stress, and environmental toxins that are a part of modern-day life. Also stress and emotional issues create toxins in the body. When our vital organs are placed under too much pressure and unable to work efficiently, this is when “ unwohlsein-(unwellbeing?) and disease can appear. Taking time to cleanse the body and nurture these vital organs goes a long way in prevention and healing, and also has immediate effects – increased energy, clearer skin, better digestion, mental clarity, stronger immunity, and so much more.
Why is juicing especially effective?
Juicing extracts the liquid portion of vital plants and easily maximizes the nutrients we take into our bodies. Nothing is more nutritious and absorbable than raw juice. The enzymes in raw juice digest our food and turn it into fuel – all while removing harmful toxins and increasing immunity to sickness and disease. Juice quickly reaches your vital organs, resets your body, re-oxygenates your blood, flushes out fat, neutralizes the unhealthy, disease-promoting acidic state caused by the typical American diet, and helps you take control of your health and well-being.
What to expect
- 6 Days with amazing, fresh and healthy, organic juices – cold-pressed, enriched with potent superfoods
- Guided movement sessions / like Yoga
- Mindful meetings and exchange in the group – together we create a healing space to set our direction
- An enzyme colon cleanse, enemas and a liver wrap
- Group sharings – The way to explore and express yourself with your own words as well as to communicate and listen in full presence
- Various guided meditations / incl. Breathing- & Sound- meditations
- Lectures on healthy eating and living

- Emontional as well as personal support 24/7
- A loving and protective space with a max. of 24 participants
- Nice and cosy shared accommodations
- Time for yourself to relax and contemplate
- 6 full days in a nourishing and reinforcing container
- A heart-warming place where you feel easily at home
This group is your opportunity to
- decrease symptoms of any inflammation with a possibility that they disappear completely
- gain a general feeling of physical, emotional and mental well being
- strengthen your immune system
- Reset your metabolism
- Improve digestive issues
- regain healthy looking, glowing skin
- lose some weight and obtain a more flexible and toned body
- receive an energy boost and feeling much more vital and alive
- feel more balanced
- have a clearer and more focused mind
Your Beautiful Venue
Nestled in the beautiful natural landscape of the Allgäu lies The Seminar House Werkstatt Engel. With its location in the middle of this beautiful landscape, the house is a perfect snug and cosy place for many seminars, as if made for retreat and reorientation.
It is quietly located on the edge of the village of Niedersonthofen and is surrounded by meadows and forest. Niedersonthofen is centrally located in the Oberallgäu and is about 15 km southwest of Kempten. The dreamy little village is nestled in a gentle hilly landscape at the western end of the Niedersonthofener Lake.
Just behind the house is a beautiful forest with a romantic stream. After a hike of about 45 minutes you reach a picturesque waterfall. Further up, there is a magnificent view of the peaks of the Allgäu Alps. In addition to that, after a few steps from the house, you stand on the banks of the stream or on a meadow with a view of the mountains.
The Niedersonthofener Lake can be reached in a 25-minute walk along a meadow path by the stream. If you like to go for a swim you will find a large lawn for sunbathing and a kiosk.
The house is a place of peace and quiet offering a unique atmosphere of clarity and security, which allows you an inspiring space for a profound transformation and encounter with yourself. The beautiful location, the pleasant tranquility and the fresh air offer ideal conditions for relaxation and development.
The rooms are very lovingly furnished in every detail and equipped with high-quality beds and mattresses. Healthy and restful sleep also contributes to a successful seminar! Just like healthy food. The lovingly prepared meals are exclusively vegetarian and are prepared mainly from organic and regional products.
Price & Further Details
Full price € 650,-
Early bird price until 31.05.2022 – € 549,-
-excluding accommodation-
Accommodation (from € 294,- in a dorm) can directly be booked with Werkstatt Engel.
You will be staying in a double/twin room or triple/dorm room.
Please send them an Email to Werkstatt Engel – Also feel free to contact us for support.
Cancellation agreement: Reservation Fee to safe your spot is € 200,- (non-refundable) / If the retreat does not take place, all payments will be refunded.
We will all start the workshop, after we all come together for a light dinner on Friday night. Dinner is at 6 pm. Please try to arrive early enough so you will have some time for yourself and settle into the space. The workshop will end on Friday before midday, with a closing circle.
If you have any further question, please contact us.
The best preparation for the seminar is when you come as relaxed as possible and be curious and ready to make a whole new experience. These days are well prepared and you can just let go, diving into your process. However, we would like you to take some time setting a clear intention for yourself and the seminar which, out of experience, can strongly support your transformation.
It might be supportive that you pay attention to your own inner wisdom and intuitively go through your very own preparation for this group. If you think that a change in diet could be supportive, then please follow your impulses Just listen to your body and what it might need. It’s a good opportunity to slow down, tune in and reconnect with your own body.
Four weeks before the seminar we will send out a welcome email to the whole group. In this way, we are already connected in advance, carpools can be formed, you will receive a “What to bring list” and we get to know each other beforehand.
These seminar days are just for you, please complete all your tasks at home. Who knows when you will have, once again the opportunity to take such precious time for yourself and your well-being.
Your Hosts
Wir begleiten seit vielen Jahren Menschen auf ihrem Lebensweg und sehen unsere Berufung darin, innere Transformationsprozesse mit all unserer Erfahrung zu unterstützen. Zudem durchleben wir bewusst immer wieder intensive Selbsterfahrungen, um unsere Gaben frisch und inspiriert teilen zu können.
Wir kennen die Palette an körperlichen und emotionalen Anliegen, die bei einem Transformationsprozess aufkommen können. Neben dem Wiederherstellen des äußeren Komforts bieten wir Dir zudem die Möglichkeit tiefere Zusammenhänge zwischen Deinem Körper, Deiner Psyche und Deinen Gefühlen zu erkennen. Dadurch erwecken wir gemeinsam das Potenzial für ein nachhaltiges Wohlbefinden.
Während dem Seminar stehen die Seminarleiter zu jeder Tag- und Nachtzeit zur Verfügung und schenken Dir gerne die nötige Aufmerksamkeit, um sich Deinem Anliegen zu widmen.
Mascha is a naturopath (Heilpraktikerin) since 1995, a bodyworker and trauma therapist. She has graduated from a 4-year training in traditional Chinese medicine with a focus on nutrition and is trained in various bodywork and massage modalities (rebalancing, reflexology, deep tissue massage, lymphatic drainage and more). She also graduated from a 3-year training in somatic experiencing, a form of trauma healing.
Mascha lives in Costa Rica most of the year and is facilitating ongoing detox cleanses in hacienda del sol, a beautiful retreat center on the pacific side of the country. She loves working with people, supporting them on their journey to healing, self-love and creating new visions and habits for a healthy and happy life.
“I was interested in fasting and nutrition from early on, did my first 7-day fast at age 13.Once I found out how amazing it makes you feel, how light, focused and energetic, I was all in( begeistert). Besides, I loved the weight loss, as I was a bit chubby as a teenager. I realized how important it is what you consume how you can heal with food and fasting and continued on this journey, eventually becoming a naturopath and nutritionist. It makes me happy and grateful to guide people through this profound experience, to see them transform, glow and make healthier choices in their lives.”
Nach abgeschlossenem Studium und ein paar Jahren in der Unternehmenswelt fand ich mich mit Anfang dreißig in einer großen Sinnkrise wieder, die mich auf den mittel- & südamerikanischen Kontinent und auf eine Transformationsreise zu mir selbst führte.
Ich entdeckte die Medizin des Yoga, Tantra, Atemarbeit, Stille & Meditation – und begann auch meinen schamanischen Weg.
Heute sehe ich meine Berufung darin, meine gesammelten Erfahrungen zu teilen und Menschen zu begleiten, die Stimme ihres Herzens wieder zu hören und ihr zu folgen. Ich liebe es, heilsame Räume zu kreieren, in denen wir uns gemeinsam auf eine Entdeckungsreise begeben und die Schätze bergen, die wir in unserem Inneren tragen.
Mein Herz schlägt dafür, dass wir Menschen uns wieder verbinden – mit uns selbst, untereinander, mit der Natur und den Elementen. Seit mehreren Jahren bin ich Teil eines großen Frauengebets, dem Mondtanz, und die Kraft des Kreises, des Gebets, des Trommelns und Singens sind für mich ein unglaubliches Geschenk, das ich gerne auch mit Dir teilen möchte.