Open your heart and deepen the intimate relationship to yourself and others.
Wild at Heart – Tantra Seminar / 29.10. – 31.10.2021
A deep and mindful journey, into a space...
“We will have a close look on how we relate to ourselves as well as others, taking responsibility for maintaining our own boundaries and simply moving playfully to a more open, trusting and authentic way of connecting with one another.”
Love, relationships and sexuality are important issues in our lives and essential aspects in our own growing process as human individuals. As we mature emotionally, we often begin to yearn for more presence, with ourselves, in the way we meet each other, and in our sexuality. Tantra is inviting us to bring awareness into these areas, to heal old wounds, and to relax in ourselves with what is.
By healing and integrating childhood conditioning, painful or traumatic experiences, and misunderstandings about our sexuality, our life force can flow more freely and express itself spontaneously.
This workshop will open a safe, respectful and healing space for you to explore and experience – individually as well as together in the group, the holistic and life-affirming tantric way. You will experience techniques of old and new traditions, that will weave together with different exercises, meditations and rituals, and will take us on an inner and outer journey throughout the workshop.
They enrich our communication, deepen our physical, energetic and emotional sensitivity, as well as the conscious connection to ourselves and others. To be in touch and intimate with another person and being authentic and relaxed within ourselves is a constant dance with our boundaries. We learn to get into a deeper contact with our boundaries, and how to express them honestly. This way we can open ourselves out of a lived, inner security and experience deep connections.
The Tantric principle of cultivating and circulating sexual and love energy, deepens the connection between lovers. It enriches intimacy and sexuality; and nourishes the heart and soul. To love consciously is an art and a living adventure in which we learn what trust is. So, we can stay with an open heart and take responsibility for ourselves. The magic of tantra teaches us how intimacy and sexuality can be a fulfilling gift, always leading us back into the present moment.
What to expect
- An introduction to the knowledge and practices of Tantra, deep body awareness, sensuality, sexuality and their energy flow
- Extensive talks about emotional wisdom, relationship patterns and communication
- Various exercises and rituals to explore and heal old wounds, personal boundaries, self-love and respect
- The mediation of practical, emotional and communicative tools that can be integrated into everyday life
- Meditations that invite presence, sensitivity and relaxation
- Movement, dance and fun in the group

- An open exchange in the group and in small groups, together as well as with separate genders
- A loving and protective space with a max. of 24 participants
- Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner – all vegetarian (vegan optional), organic and/or local (most of the food is grown within the community Sulzbrunn)
- Fresh and healthy spring water from one of the oldest iodine medicinal springs in Europe
- Nice and cosy shared accommodations
- A heart-warming energy within a conscious community surrounded by beautiful nature

Community Sulzbrunn
Community Sulzbrunn is a conscious community with a colourful mix of about 35 people from all ages. They all following a common goal, developing as well as exploring sustainable life models in which people can discover and develop their full potential and actual purpose. Models of life in which they are careful and aware – with themselves and their environment.
Their vision is to be aware and respectful to themselves, other people, animals and plants. They are seeing the good in the other and support and encourage each other. Sharing the awareness that everything is interconnected and that there is a spiritual reality greater than our personal one. Friendship, joy of life, personal growth, overcoming crises and creativity is their expression of a successful community life.
It is a research project in which knowledge and experience will be gathered, tested and passed on. They are working on self-sufficiency in areas such as community-based organic agriculture and permaculture, herbal biotopes, workshops for wood, metal, art and other fields. They already established several gardens, growing and harvesting almost all year long thanks to the two huge heated greenhouses.
In the economical field, they seek a system where the individual serves not only himself but the common good. Building a sustainable, ecological and resource-efficient way of life and cooperate with similarly motivated projects in the region is another big part of their vision. They participating in regional solutions for energy, electricity, water, ecological construction and ecologically sustainable solutions for transport. Besides to the ecological expansion of existing houses, they thrive towards an implementation of more innovative forms of living such as Earthships.
The property of the community covers an area of 15.5 hectares, half of which consists of forest and meadows. Next to it are – like a small village – seven buildings with a usable area of around 5,000 square meters. On top of that is it connected to one of the oldest iodine medicinal springs in Europe, which is providing the community with fresh, healthy, and mineral rich spring water.
We will be accommodated in nice, bright and cosy rooms with different themes. Each room will be shared with 1 to 3 people. Please contact us for further details.
Price & Further Details
Full price € 250,-
Early bird price until 01.06.2021 – € 222,-
-excluding food & accommodation-
Full board (from € 120,- in a dorm) can directly be booked with Sulzbrunn and is subject to availability.
The seminar house has 15 rooms all together! (8 triple rooms, 2 quadruple room, 2 twin room and 3 double rooms). Dorms can also be booked as double or single room. (upon availability)
Please send them an E-mail. – Also feel free to contact us for support.
In case you are not staying in Sulzbrunn, you will have to pay a minimum of € 55,- for the whole weekend. This includes the daily fee of € 15,- per day and lunch € 12,50. (Breakfast € 9,50 and or Dinner € 10,-will be extra.)
Cancellation agreement: Reservation Fee to safe your spot is € 150,- (non-refundable) / If the retreat does not take place, all payments will be refunded.
This is a retreat for couples and singles, as well as lovers or very close friends who want to work intimately with each other.
The retreat is limited to a maximum of 24 participants. (12 women & 12 men).
There will be no genital contact or nudity in the group room.
The workshop will be facilitated in English with German translation if necessary.
We will all start the workshop, after we all come together for dinner on Friday night. Dinner is at 6 pm. Please try to arrive early enough so you will have some time for yourself and settle into the space. The workshop will end on Sunday late afternoon, after a closing circle.
If you have any further question, please contact us.
About Raaji & Karam

Raaji and Karam have been a couple for 12 years and have been successfully leading Tantra as well as self-awareness groups for more than 10 years now. They have learned a lot through their own relationship and continuously studying in a variety of therapeutic areas. Their passion to work with people, for awareness and tantra, allows their work to create a diverse, deep and attentive space where transformation and healing can happen naturally and lovingly.
Raaji is a trained bodyworker, therapist specialized in trauma by Dr. Peter Levine and also a Reiki master. Since 1990 she is working with people. Over the years, she was continuously trained in various therapeutic areas and healing methods, participated in trainings and assisted in them.
She is also a trained teacher in contemporary dance and is leading trance dance groups. In the Amazon, she studied with curanderos (shaman / healer) and learns from the grandmothers and grandfathers of South America their shamanic knowledge and their earth connected lifestyle. She studied at the art and music school in Zürich writes her own songs and is an enthusiastic singer. All these different elements of healing, therapy, art, movement and expression are woven into the various workshops she offers.
Her passion for the healing of the relationship between man and woman, of sexuality and intimacy flow into the Tantra groups she is leading with her partner Karam for over 10 years. In addition to that, she also offers workshops especially for women. 7 month a year she works and lives in Pachamama, a spiritual and ecological community in Costa Rica.
Karam was born in France, is half French, half Vietnamese and has been successfully working as a therapist since 1990. After a long time in Pune / India, where he was introduced to the world of Osho and got to know the different aspects of meditation, authentic communication and body-oriented psychotherapy, he continued his education in creative, integrative and systemic psychotherapy, hypnosis and trauma Healing (Somatic Experiencing) by Dr. med. Peter Levine.
Karam worked for 5 years in a psychiatric clinic in Switzerland where he gained extensive experiences. Later, did he work intensively in a home for teenagers in crisis situations and helped them on their way to more stability and self-confidence. During this time, he also started to lead Tantra workshops in Paris.
In 2008 he was eventually invited by Pachamama, a spiritual community in Costa Rica, to lead a Tantra workshop there. Since then, he has been living in Pachamama for 7 months a year, facilitating various seminars, including Tantra, Primal Therapy and the Growing in Love Process. His work opens a pathway to the human, individual potential that lies within all of us. Beyond the limits of our personal history, our conditioning, traumas and beliefs.