Ecstatic Dance Allgäu – Community Sulzbrunn

Dance like everyone is watching.

E c s t a t i c   D a n c e   A l l g ä u

Our next journey together:

Thursday 12.09. with AHUREIA

Start:  7 pm till ca. 10:30 pm

Seminarhaus Sulzbrunn – Sulzbrunn 1-8 – 87477 Sulzberg

– – – All Dates – – –  /  Guidelines  /  FAQ

– – – – – ONLY WITH REGISTRATION! – – – – –

Deadline Wed. 28.08. – 6 pm

No registration via Email, Telefon, Whatsapp, Telegram, Signal etc.!!!

*PLEASE be already at around 6:30 pm at site, so that we can start at time. Keep in mind that it will also take a little while from the parking to the dancefloor.

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Our dance floor is a non-verbal space.
We therefore ask you to stop all communication or keep it to a minimum (whispering) as soon as you enter our dance floor!
This is the time when the journey already begins and we immerse ourselves in our very own space.

*Arrive in the circle
* Warm Up
* Dance Wave
* Sound bath
* Closing circle


Regular: € 25,-(Financially just tight: € 20,- / from € 25,- if you want to support me and the dance)
Cocoa with the dance € 4,- Euro
As long as we have some.
Please bring your own cup!

Dance as meditation, as a conscious ritual, is as ancient as humanity itself. There is something sacred to it and is present in nearly all cultures and many religions all around the world.

So, we like you to join us, enjoying a safe and open space, to freely dance without judging, talking, drinking or any nightclub vibe. This dance is about exploration, about feeling, about freeing your mind and body as well as connecting with yourself and others. On top of it, it is great exercise, stress release and even more important, a celebration of life.

“To dance is to be yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power on earth – and it is yours for the taking.” ~Agnes DeMille~

What is Ecstatic Dance ?

Ecstatic Dance is inviting all people from all cultural backgrounds to freely express themselves. The liberating atmosphere of this structure is creating a container of acceptance and fearlessness in which everyone is giving the possibility as well as the courage to dance without inhibition.

With Ecstatic Dance we create a temple to freely explore movement. Each dance is like a ceremony in itself and will be opened as well as closed in a circle. It is an open musical exploration of our body and mind. A ritual where the magic of life, its wonders and its beauty unfold. We build up a strong flow of energy and reconnect with our self. It is a playground, a field of exploration, a prayer as well as an active meditation. It is a way of outwardly and openly travelling inward.

The dance becomes an inner journey which will be guided by a wave of music. From spherical, slow and meditative tunes through some faster beats, till a high and wild peak which will slow down and conclude in a soft and melodic end relaxation. Electronical beats combined with music from all around the world is interwoven, bringing us closer as individuals within a connected tribe.

To create such a container, we always follow some simple – guidelines -.

What do we do in Ecstatic Dance?

We create a sacred and safe space to feel free and open, allowing us to explore all aspects of our human existents as well as our emotions while dancing. We reconnect with ourselves, expressing our inner powers, our tenderness, our inner child and our vulnerability. We fall into trance, we play and explore.

We are dancing in a way our body wants us to, without any choreography or judgment! We get out of our heads and into our bodies, discovering and following our inner body wisdom which we all possess.

We invite you to move in ways which you’ve never explored before. To go beyond your habitual movement patterns and find your very own inner dance. Observe and feel, be wild, be free, be curious. But most importantly, be yourself and express whatever there is, through the dance. Whatever comes up in your inner space, whatever feeling might surface, – bring it to the dancefloor, embody it, live it. All is welcome. Be your authentic *%$#@&* self and unleash your inner demons if you wish.

This is a space, to have fun, to be playful, to jump, to roll around on the ground, to be wild and crazy, to be still, to laugh, to cry, to scream, to moan, to cheer, to fly…..and just simply to be!……within!……the dance.  We will always complete the dance with a moment of silence.

“Movement is my medicine, my meditation, my metaphor and my method, a living language we can rely upon to tell us the truth about who we are, who we are with, and where we are going. There is no dogma in the dance.” ~Gabrielle Roth~

Ecstatic Dance Guidelines

We intend this dance to be pleasurable, fun and welcoming as well as a liberating experience for everyone. We want you to feel free, comfortable and safe, and therefore we have a couple of guidelines. By the way, these guidelines are the same for all Ecstatic Dances all around the world.

So, in order to provide a safe and welcoming space which will give everyone the freedom to let go and explore, we always agree to the following:

  • Drop judgements and expectations of yourself and others, move in whatever way you feel like. There is no right or wrong while dancing – to be authentic, playful, curious and free.
  • Be aware of your own space and the space of others.
  • Ecstatic dance is a drug & alcohol-free space. We practice healthy connections and aiming for natural highs.
  • We dance barefoot or sockfoot. Feeling the connection to mother earth, increasing our balance, grounding and the feeling of exploration.
  • No photos, videos or any kind of recording.
  • No wearing of scent.
  • No talking on the dance floor – to increase your journey inwards and your body awareness. However, sounds are mostly welcome.
    • You are responsible for yourself, to respect your own boundaries. Also be very respectful to the boundaries of others.

Ecstatic Dance has been created to be safe container, whether we’re dancing alone or with others. Ecstatic Dance is contact-friendly, but please always keep in mind that we all have different levels of comfort when it comes to being approached and touched. Please be mindful and make sure the way you approach other dancers is resonant with them. Start with simple eye contact. If somebody offers you a shared dance and you are not interested, simply give them a bow with your hands at your heart to say, “no thank you”. You are also invited to always come back to yourself. – You can just truly meet someone when you are in touch with yourself –

All Dates

Ecstatic Dance Allgäu - Termine

Alle Termine und Veranstaltungsorte unseres geliebten Ecstatic Dance

April – Do. 11.04.  – Martyn Zij / ED Amsterdam

Mai – Do. 16.05.  – KOSMA – LIVE / ED St. Gallen

June – Do. 06.06.  – Ben Pavlidis  / ED Potsdam

July – Do. 18.07.  – Nana Dakini -/ ED Rosenheim und Innsbruck

August – Do. 29.08.  – SEMA / Heidelberg

September – Do. 12.09. – AHUREIA

October – Mo. 07.10.  – HEYOKA PULSARIS 

November – Do. 21.11.  – DJ Bramaji – Austria

December – Do. 05.12.  – Miss ShantiPanthi & OMARIS / ED Landshut

Details for each event follow

“Dance, when you are broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you’re perfectly free.” ~Rumi~


Ecstatic Dance is a journey of movement meditation—an intentional practice to quiet the mind, and to discover what’s beyond everyday chatter, judgements, worries, and ideas. We use the music to move out of our heads and into our bodies, hearts, and spirits. Expressing our emotions and inner skies through the dance.

Bring your open heart and your curiosity to explore. Wear some comfortable clothe which allow you to move freely. Maybe a second set of clothe to change afterwards and a water bottle. (Please avoid glass bottles and use containers with a firm lid)

You don’t need any experience in dancing. Just bring your curiosity, come with an open mind and let your heart follow. It’s a free dance where you can move as you like.

You can expect a wide variety of music from all around the world. Electronical sounds will definitely be part of the journey but you will also listen and dance to many different styles. There might be house music, techno, rap, dubstep, tribal, electro-swing, funk, trance, soul, afrobeat, tango, dub, reggae, R&B, jazz, blues, or even classical music. To just name a view. Every dance will be a journey of its own.

Ecstatic dance is a meditation in motion and also a movement medicine. With the music we invite you to explore your inner world. The wave is designed to let a wide range of emotions and rhythmic sensations flood your system. Being ecstatic has many different forms. Joyful for example, is ecstatic – and so is love, devotion, peacefulness or being playful. So, the songs will put you in variety of states. A song might bring you back in time, bringing up some old forgotten memory and maybe help you release an emotion stored in the body.

Also, the shadows and dark parts of your inner world might be part of the journey – wildness, chaos, hopelessness, sadness and other intensities can be ecstatically cathartic and brought to the dancefloor. Therefore, the journey will not always be beautiful to everyone. Some songs might trigger you in many different ways. They might even provoke you personally.

Whatever might come up for you in the dance. Bring it to the dance floor. Express it. Let your emotion become a movement. If there is a song which you don’t really like or you don’t consider danceable at all, stay curious and try to discover it in your body. Stay open. We invite you to take it as an opportunity to work with the judgements and maybe discover new sources to liberate yourself.

We come together to create a sacred space for movement. Eliminating talking on the dance floor allows us to get out of our heads and into our bodies, feeling our hearts and souls. We learn to connect with ourselves and each other in wonderful new ways. Sounds on the other hand are mostly welcome. Scream, cry, laugh, giggle and moan as it needs to come out of you. Just be aware that you are not alone.

While dancing we want the connection to mother earth. We also want to keep the space clean and not leaving any marks. You could also use some grippy socks if you feel like. We personally suggest the barefoot experience.

No, you don’t need to sign up in advance. You can buy your ticket right at the dance.

Ecstatic Dance is for people of all ages, cultures, sexual orientation, social status and all levels of experience in dancing. In the dance we are all the same – one community. Everyone is welcome.

Our DJ’s do not take any requests of music. Each journey is a piece on its own, created to move you, giving you – your very own personal experience. One of the most important skills of a facilitator is, “reading” the whole dance floor, to best serve the energy on the dancefloor, rather than fulfilling individuals’ wishes. However, they love to get inspired by new tunes and maybe put it in a set for next time.

Even though some people perceive Ecstatic Dance as a deeply spiritual experience, it is not connected with any religious system or belief.

We support family togetherness and welcome also your children. However, all participants should follow the same guidelines on the dance floor. Parents should take responsibility for their child’s behaviour so they might not disrupt the flow of the experience for other dancers. We suggest that you only bring your child if you are confident that it will weave well into the structure of the dance/ing meditation.

Sorry no. No pets allowed on the dance floor. There is also no room to keep them somewhere.

For sure. We would love to have you. We are always looking for some new inspiration and variety at our dance. Just send an email to: Preferably with some links to your music.

We are always happy if people like our work and want to contribute to it. Please contact us via email –

Bleib immer auf dem Laufenden zu aktuellen Workshops, Retreats und dem Ecstatic Dance.
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nein danke!